Saturday, April 4, 2009

T. I. A.

"T.I.A. : THIS IS AFRICA" is a saying heard when something does not go the way you'd planned or move in a timely manner. Such as: me blowing out my laptop charger on the super voltage electricity here, dropping it off at the repair shop Over A Week Ago!, and still not having it back (and still not knowing if it is even salvageable). Things move slowly here, and it's hard to get used to in some instances (see above), but also very nice in other ways.

So, it's been another fantastic week here in Cape Town. My "starfish" go on a week's holiday, and they had an end-of-term field trip to a swimming pool, where they got into the water at 9am and didn't get out until 2pm when it was time to leave. Amazing, considering you usually can't get one second of quiet because they're all over you. That left the teachers free to lie under the trees on our blankets and gossip - a popular South African pass time. I took photos of the kids who were so pooped they fell asleep on the bus on the way back - it created quite a stir amongst the awake one - they pointed out "teacher, teacher, there's another one! Photos coming soon...or whenever I get my blasted laptop charger back.

Since school is out, I will have a temporary volunteer placement this week working with abandoned refugee kids on holiday from school, mostly Zimbabwean. That's about all I know so far, so we'll see how it turns out.


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